Fulvio Bianconi, Venini, Murano, Italy, glass bowl, 1950s

Obj no. 3781
Fulvio Bianconi, Venini
Bowl designed by Fulvio Bianconi for Venini glassworks in Murano, Italy in 1950s.
The bowl is made in "a fasce"-technique with a decor of blue and green bands on clear glass.
The bowl is among others presented on page 60 in the book "Circa fifties glass from
Europe & America" written by Leslie Pinã.
Signed: Not signed
Condition: In fine condition. Some very thin scratches inside on the bottom and under the bottom.
There is also a small (ca 1 mm) cavity inside on the bottom. See pic. 4
Height: 5,5 cm (2,2")
Width: 10.9 cm (4,5")
Price: 550 SEK